Now, I've been thinking that if I decide to write a travel journal from Australia and will promote it in Finland and beyond, I might want to change to using English. In fact, I love using the Finnish language, since it allows so many more twists and quirks and of course flows a bit more naturally; I can produce more interesting content with more interesting language.
Anyways, for now, English it is.
Things are moving on fine, I guess.
I managed to help and finish emptying my childhood home, a tough bite to take.
And I'm well on the way in emptying my own apartment as well, just a few boxes left to go.
I need to get on to packing, or at least I need to think what to pack really well before I just shove everything into boxes and carry them into the warehouse.. Hm.
I found some important papers that I thought were lost, and that makes me happy.
I found out that getting the insurance will not go as easy as planned and promised and thus you can find me pissed.
Another nice thing to hear is that I/we probably got a place to stay in Brisbane for the first few nights. I won't be shoutin' bout this too much before I can be sure about it. Hey, you can't be sure of anything before it has happened, even if then!
And I've been dreaming a lot, springtime is always the time when I start to dream of doing "a lot of sports, right when the snow melts and it gets warm!" ...and end up doing nothing but drinking beer. I've been checking out Epic's videos on YouTube and am planning to start practicing some moves in Aussieland. Check him out.
Honestly, I think that this post is a lot more boring when it's in English but meh. And no pic's this time!
Hope you'll entertain yourselves some other way then.
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